Reeve-Associates Real Estate

Serving Land Brokerage Needs of Central California Since 1967

Reeve Associates Real Estate has been serving the land brokerage needs of Central California since 1967.  Begun as Reeve-Bettencourt Real Estte by R. Keith Reeve and Frank Bettencourt, the firm became Reeve Associates Real in the mid-1970's with Keith eventually becoming the sole owner.  He grew up on a dairy farm near Tracy, CA and had a row crop farming background.  He was a past president of the California Tomato Growers Association.  Keith was well known around the Central Valley for his hard work and integrity.  After passing in 1993 at the age of 73, the firm was purchased by Gary Reeve.

Gary Reeve, Broker, LA DRE #00875626

President R&S Farms, Inc.


  • 1974-1981 - Season farm laborer
  • 1976-1995 +/- - Consultant and map preparer for land and development applications
  • 1981-1997 - Family farm manager and operator for production including tomatoes, alfalfa, and grains
  • 1984-1990 - Real estate sales associate
  • 1990 - Present - Real estate broker


  • A.A. Degree, Butte College 1978
  • Bachelor of Science Degree, Agriculture - Chico State 1981


  • California Farm Bureau Federation
  • Nevada Farm Bureau Federation
  • Idaho Farm Bureau Federation
  • National Association of Realtors
  • Central Valley Association of Realtors
  • Metrolist
  • National Federation of Independent Business
  • Chico State Alumni Association


Large acreage farm land, orchard land, vineyards, livestock grazing land and speculative development land.

Active Geographical Areas

The Central Valley of California including the Delta Region and surrounding hill lands.